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Errata to Craig Horner (ed.), The Cheshire Motor Vehicle Registrations, 1904-07 (2019).

In preparation of volume 2 (1908–11), the following records have come to light. These should have been included in volume 1 (1904–07).

File here (430KB)



Addenda to Craig Horner (ed.), The Cheshire Motor Vehicle Registrations, 1904-07 (2019).

In preparation of volume 2 (1908–11), the following records have come to light. These should have been included in volume 1 (1904–07).

File here (460KB)




Publication of 

Craig Horner, The emergence of bicycling and automobility in Britain (Bloomsbury, 2021)

Information here




The Nineteenth-Century Motorist in the North West

A day school was held at Manchester Metropolitan University on Saturday 7 September 2019 in the old ‘Cornerhouse’ (what used to be Screen 3).


The speakers on the day were:

Craig Horner: Motoring in the North West, c1900: what I think we know

Tom Clarke: Motoring archives in the North West

Josh Butt: The early cycling and motoring industry in the North West

Geoff Timmins: Roads in the North West: experimentation and achievement

John Warburton: A case study of a north-west manufacturer

Nick Clayton: A missed opportunity: How Manchester allowed Coventry to grab the early bicycle industry which of course led to the motor industry


We are hoping to put another day school on, possibly autumn 2020. All news on this will be posted here.



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